Arkansas Bend Park Phase I
The project consisted of major upgrades to the existing Arkansas Bend Park, which lies along the shores of Lake Travis near the community of Lago Vista. It included constructing several new buildings and recreational facilities to enhance the Parks’ appeal, along with the infrastructure to support both staff and Park guests.The new buildings included a park entry building, a maintenance building and equipment shed, several restrooms/shower facilities and several shade structures.New recreational aspects included over a mile of hiking trails with picnic and limestone seating areas, eighteen RV campsites with water and electrical hookups, a playground, and re-establishing vegetation utilizing selective native grasses, tree and flower species.Infrastructure included security fencing, cedar log fencing (utilizing cedar from clearing operations), new and refurbished roads and parking lots, extending the existing and adding a new boat ramp, a boat dock and access ramp with ADA accessibility, a domestic water supply system with a deep water well, a 24,000-gallon corrugated steel water tank for fire dept use, a sewage collection system complete with four sewage lift stations and two onsite sewage processing facilities, and six water quality basins to contain storm water runoff.AGC 2019 Outstanding Construction Award - Category Building 3